An essay reading workshop, and
An essay structure workshop
In each of these workshops, students submit a piece of work leading up to their final essay. They then give feedback on work and then grade their peers’ submissions. by a peer or peers. Giving feedback is primarily to assist students to focus on the assessment criteria and produce a better essay themselves.
As a tutor, you will also mark each submission , giving a reference score for each submission’s quality. Based on your mark, students get a second score, based on how accurately they marked their peers’ assessment. The aim of these workshops is to ‘build’ and give feedback to help them write a better final assessment. These workshops build towards the final essay. Thus in addition to the grade, your feedback on each submission is instrumental in helping helps your students write better essays. assessments. (Students must pass their Final Assessment to pass the unit.).
Some units will have additional workshops, unrelated to the major assessment, that focus on the exposition of material.