Versions Compared


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  1. In order to satisfy the requirements for the award of the degree, students must successfully complete 4 units.

  2. Course work units normally comprise 26 28 hours of face-to-face contact. The units are offered in either continuous or intensive mode. Continuous mode comprises a weekly two-hour class over one semester. Each semester has twelve to thirteen weeks. Intensive mode typically involves two three-day teaching blocks. The class contact hours are the same for each mode. The attendance requirement for both modes is 100%. Assessment by written work and/or examination is the same for each mode.

  3. Any essay not conforming to the requirements of the Guidelines For Written Assessments of this Handbook may be returned by Administration for the student to rectify.

  4. The penalty for late submission of assessments is 5 marks for the first day and 3 marks for the second and subsequent days or part thereof of lateness – with a maximum of two weeks. After that the Learning and Teaching Committee reserves the right not to mark the item.
