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It depends on the system and who you are! Usernames are sometimes called Universal Login, SignIn or SignOn

College uses a large number of interconnected systems which all work differently.  Sometimes we don't have control over what names are used to describe things. But some general principles apply.  Use the following to get started.

Current StudentsStaff and Faculty MembersOther Library Members
UsernameYour Student# a.k.a. MooreID

A short string of letters that you should recognise

Your MooreID
Email Account

Email Address
  • All Microsoft Office365 services (and anything connected to them!) use your Email Account as the Username!  Not your Email Address!
  • If you are both a current student and a staff member you are very special. Contact us directly!
  • If you belong to a Faculty family living in Newtown you have a special account you can use.  Ask!  

We can't tell you!

All passwords are stored in encrypted form. 

They can be changed or reset at