the Christian scriptures as the basis and discerning norm of all that we teach;
our students gaining a coherent, integrated and extensive knowledge of the Christian Scriptures including principles of sound exegesis of the biblical text in the original languages, and an understanding of the basic unity of the Bible being found in the person of Jesus Christ and his proclamation and inauguration of the Kingdom of God;
the study of Christian systematic theology as an integrating discipline in which the knowledge of God given in Christ through the Scriptures is reflected upon humbly, attentively and rationally, and articulated systematically. We therefore aim to equip our students with a coherent, integrated and extensive knowledge of Christian doctrine that gives due attention to appropriate theological method; and
a core of units of study throughout the curriculum that cohere and build on one another to reflect the sense of unity and coherence that we acknowledge to exist in our foundational text, the Christian Scriptures; and
supporting students to grow in their confidence in the authority of the Bible and in its significance for Christian life and practice.
2. We believe the teaching of the Christian Scriptures is faithfully reflected in the historic creeds and in the Protestant Reformed tradition as expressed in the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion. We are therefore committed to:
Course | Abbreviation | AQF level | Minimum years of study | Full-time or Part-time | Accredited |
Preliminary Theological Certificate (online study) | PTC | n/a | 1 | Either | No |
Diploma of Biblical Theology (online) | DBT | 5 | 1 | Either | Yes |
Advanced Diploma of Bible, Mission and Ministry (on campus) | AdvDBMM | 6 | 1 | Either | Yes |
Bachelor of Theology (on campus) | BTh | 7 | 3 | Yr 1: either Yr 2 & 3: FT | Yes |
Bachelor of Divinity (on campus) - in teach-out phase from 2023 | BD | 8 | 4 | Yr 1: either Yr 2, 3 & 4: FT | Yes |
Bachelor of Theology/ Master of Theology (Coursework) (on campus) | BTh/ThM | 7-9 | 4 | Yr 1: either Yr 2, 3 & 4: FT | Yes |
Graduate Certificate of Anglican Ministry1 | GradCertAM | 8 | 1 | Part-time | Yes |
Graduate Certificate of Ministry Development2 | GradCertDM | 8 | 2 | Part-time | Yes |
Master of Arts (Theology) | MA (Theol) | 9 | 2-6 | Either | Yes |
Master of Theology | MTh | 9 | 2-6 | Either | Yes |
Doctor of Philosophy | PhD | 10 | 3-8 | Yr 1: FT only | Yes |
For more information on undergraduate studies, including the BTh/ThM, see section 3. For more information on postgraduate study, see Section 5.
1GradCertAM and 2GradCertDM are not available to overseas students.
01.10 History
The College opened at Liverpool, NSW in 1856. It owed its existence to two people. The first was an early settler in Sydney, Thomas Moore, who left his estate to the Church of England for educational purposes. The second was the Anglican Bishop of Sydney, Frederic Barker. During its long history, the College has had thirteen principals and close to 4,000 graduates. In 1891 the College moved from Liverpool to Newtown.