3.1. Units

To earn the Diploma, the student must complete three compulsory units and five electives

Compulsory units: 

Elective units: 


The elective units must include at least one unit each from Biblical Studies (BS), Christian Thought (CT) and Christian Ministry (CM). These are in addition to the three compulsory units. 

Each unit in the DBT consists of weekly interactive lectures (intro video, reading material), set readings, and short quizzes that are automatically graded. 

3.2. Assessment

In terms of assessment, all units have a set of quizzes (either weekly quizzes of about 8 questions each, or five quizzes across the semester of 20 questions each), and a major final assessment (essay or reflection). If the final assessment is an essay, then there are also two graded development workshop activities during the semester: 


In each of these workshops, students submit a piece of work and then grade their peers’ submissions. As a tutor, you will also mark each submission, giving a reference score for each submission’s quality. Based on your mark, students get a second score, based on how accurately they marked their peers’ assessment. The aim of these workshops is to ‘build’ towards the final essay. Thus in addition to the grade, your feedback on each submission is instrumental in helping students write better essays. 

Some units will have additional workshops, unrelated to the major assessment, that focus on the exposition of material. 

Units with exposition workshops: 


Forum Discussions 

Other units do not have these exposition workshops, but assessed forum discussions instead. These can either be related to a primary document or a more general topic. You will grade the participation of each student based on their contribution and engagement in the forum. 

Units with forum discussions: 



Two units (CMD01 Engaging with Islam and CTD04 Apologetics) require students to engage with people from the wider community who are not Christians and to reflect on this for their major assessment. This requires them to fill out a Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) application. The HREC process includes a quiz and various forms to be submitted. If you are tutoring in one of these units, please follow up with all your students to ensure that they have the quiz and ‘notification form’ completed by Week 5, so they can proceed with their work on time. 


3.3. The DBT Semester/Course Schedule

DBT semesters, like Moore College face-to-face teaching semesters, are 13 teaching weeks and usually start on the same dates as Moore undergraduates. Each semester follows this pattern: 

The important dates every semester are: 

Orientation Week – The week before you start getting paid. Students can access syllabi, readings, and assessment instructions. If you would like, you can send a brief general message introducing yourself this week – though there is no obligation for you to do so.  

Week 1 – The final week a new student can enrol. 

Week 3 – The final week students can change subjects. They need to contact the registrars to change a subject. 

Census Date – The last date students can drop a unit without incurring a Fee-Help debt. You will need to remind students of Census Date as it approaches, especially students who might be struggling with their work. If a student wishes to withdraw, please direct them to the Registrars. Census dates tend to fall late April and late August. 

Research Weeks – Two per semester. You are available to students, but this is time for them to work on assignments and readings, with no lectures or set readings. These are usually around Weeks 5 and 10. 

We also normally have a brief tutor catchup during each research week. 

Mid-Semester Break – Bear in mind that most of our students will be working or otherwise busy, so may not be able to take a week away from their studies. Tutors are expected still to check Teams and email daily, and to reply to students. 

Final Assessment Week – Immediately following their final regular week. Major Assessments are due Friday 10pm (Sydney Time) in this week. 

Marking Weeks – The two weeks after Final Assessment Week, when you will need to grade and give feedback on all final assessments. During this period, you will have to submit grades to the Registrars. 


3.4. Our students

Our students range in age and life stage from fresh out of high school to retired. They are located across Australia and around the world. In terms of academic background, they range from having completed only secondary education to education in different cultures to higher research degrees. Some are highly skilled in reading, writing, and thinking in the ways of Western academia, while others are strangers to such discourses and ways of thought. And some will be highly confident (for better or worse), while others will doubt their abilities and skills, or be overwhelmed by the work. 

But all are brothers and sisters in the image of God and have been admitted to the DBT because we believe they have the ability to learn and to pass the course. 


We are endeavouring to set our enrolment process so that students have an incentive to register early, so that we open no new classes after the start of O-Week. We may allow students to join classes that are not full until the end of Week 1. But no classes will start in Week 1, and any new students will commence by the end of Week 1. But no new classes will start after Orientation Week, and no new students will join any class after Week 1. 


3.5. Our tutors (you!)

Please read the following alongside your Position Description from Moore People and Culture. 



As a DBT tutor, your goal is to help your students complete the course and to support them academically. Here are a few hints. 


Pastoral and academic care 

Monitoring your students: 

Supporting your students: 

Supporting the DBT program 


Weekly and occasional duties 

Grading and feedback: 

Maintaining communication with students: 

Note: If you are away or on personal holidays on a Monday, you are still responsible to message your students and reply to their queries. 

Academic support: 

Academic misconduct, plagiarism, and inadequate referencing

Grading and feedback 

Assessment extensions 


Your first semester