02.1 Faculty
The Faculty endorses the Protestant Reformed tradition as expressed in the Anglican Thirty-nine Articles of Religion. It therefore accepts the Scriptures as God’s written word, containing all that is necessary for salvation and as the final authority in all matters of life and faith. It affirms belief in the summary of the Christian faith as contained in the historic creeds and the Thirty-nine Articles. Full-time members of the Faculty with their chief academic field are:
Mark D Thompson Principal | BA (Macquarie), BTh, MTh (ACT), DPhil (Oxon) (Theology, Church History) |
Simon J Gillham Vice Principal | BTh (Moore), MA(Theol) (ACT), PhD (SATS) (Missions) |
Malcolm York Dean of Students | BA dip Ed (Macquarie), BA Dip Min (Moore), MA (Theology) (Moore) (Ministry) |
Susan An Dean of Women | BSpHearingSc; MSLP; BD (Moore) (Ministry) |
George Athas Director of Research | BA (Sydney), BD (MTC), PhD (Sydney) (Hebrew, Old Testament, Church History) |
Charles Cleworth | BA (USYD), BD (Moore) (Theology, Philosophy, Ethics) |
Mark E Earngey | BSc (UNSW), BD (Moore), MPhil, DPhil (Oxon) (Church History and Doctrine) |
Paul S Grimmond
| BSc (UNSW), BD (Moore), DMin (SBTS) (Ministry) |
Tom Habib | BA (Sydney), BD (Moore), PhD (Cantab) (New Testament) |
David A Höhne Academic Dean | BA (UNSW), BD, MTh (Moore), PhD (Cantab) (Theology, Philosophy) |
Philip H Kern | BS (EBC), MA, MDiv (TEDS), PhD (Sheffield) (New Testament) |
Andrew M Leslie | BCom (UNSW), BD (Moore), PhD (Edinburgh) (Theology) |
Peter C Orr | MEng (Nottingham), BD (Moore), PhD (Durham) (New Testament) |
Tony Payne | BA Communications (NSWIT), BTh (Moore), PhD (Moore) (Theology, Philosophy, Ethics) |
Archie P Poulos | BE (UNSW), BTh, MA (Theology) (ACT) (Ministry) |
Andrew G Shead | BSc(Med) (Sydney), BTh, MTh (ACT), PhD (Cantab) (Old Testament) |
Paul R Williamson | BD, PhD (Belfast) (Old Testament) |
Lionel J Windsor | BEng (Hons) (UNSW), BD (Moore), PhD (Durham) (New Testament) |
Dan Wu | BSc (Sydney), BD (Moore), PhD (Sydney) (Old Testament) |