05.5.3 Length of Course

1. Full-time candidature: 3 – 4 years

  • Earliest date for submission: A full-time candidate may not submit a thesis for examination earlier than the end of the sixth semester of candidature

  • Latest date for submission: A full-time candidate may not submit a thesis for examination later than the end of the eighth semester of candidature

2. Part-time candidature: 3 – 8 years

  • Earliest date for submission: A part-time candidate may not submit a thesis for examination earlier than the end of the twelfth semester of candidature

  • Latest date for submission: A candidate may not submit a thesis for examination later than the end of the sixteenth semester of candidature.

3. If a candidate has changed mode, the earliest submission date will be determined pro rata.

4. If a candidate wishes to submit before the earliest possible date, they will need to submit their request in writing to the Research Committee, outlining in detail the reasons for seeking early submission. Permission for early submission will be at the discretion of the Research Committee.