04.1 Introduction

04.1 Introduction

The aim of this award is to provide basic training and personal development for service in a local congregation as a volunteer. Other students will want to complete this award with a view to professional development as a teacher in a Christian Education environment or other workplace.

As such, the award is not designed to lead to a specific vocational outcome. However, it may be possible that attainment of the award will equip some candidates to progress to employment in a mission or congregational context from their current situation.

04.1.1 The MOD Site

The Moore Online Diploma (MOD) site contains all the information you will require for your Diploma of Biblical Theology course. This includes Academic & Assessment Information, General College resources such as calendars and Library links and links to the College online community.

Once you are enrolled in your current units, you will gain access to the syllabi, weekly course content, set readings, information on assessments, places for online submission of assessments, online forums, and discussions.

The first module to complete on the MOD is Orientation. This will take you through the features of the MOD and how to use it. You can complete this during the Orientation Week at the beginning of each semester.

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