Title page,
Bibliographic references (e.g. Chavalas, “Did Abraham Ride a Camel?,” 64)
Biblical References:
In text and in brackets (e.g. “(Rom 1:16)”. Note: If you type, “In Romans 1:16 it says…”, it will be counted)
In footnotes (However, the Style Guide says, “References to biblical texts (e.g., Rom 1
Any other text not specifically excluded is included, with the exception of appendices which are not counted for MTh and PhD students only.
Note |
Please Note: Bible references (eg. John 3:16) should be placed |
within the text of the essay and not relegated to a footnote |
, and will be included in the word count. |
4. Footnotes should not exceed 25% of the prescribed assessment length. Only the references in footnotes are excluded from the word count, commentary and notes are included.
5. See 04.12 Late Submission “Late Submissions” for information on downgrades for late submission.