07.2 Guidelines for Ethical Conduct of Research

07.2 Guidelines for Ethical Conduct of Research

07.2.1 Students Undertaking Research Must

  1. Ensure the research adheres to the College’s guidelines, the Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee’s Code of Conduct for the Responsible Practice of Research,[1] the Commonwealth Privacy Act (1988),[2] and the National Health and Medical Research Council’s Statement on Human Experimentation;[3]

  2. Be aware of defamation law and the implications, for all parties concerned, of recording potentially defamatory material;

  3. Complete a proper literature review, where appropriate, to enhance the validity of the research;

  4. Plan the research carefully so as not to waste time of participants e.g. by ensuring that information sought is relevant and necessary for the research;

  5. Plan the research carefully so as to minimise any adverse consequences for the subjects/participants (e.g. minimise disruption, intrusion, risk and discomfort);

  6. Identify themselves appropriately;[4]

  7. Provide sufficient information to participants so that they are informed about all aspects of the research;

  8. Obtain written consent;

  9. Accept any decision by participants to withdraw from research projects at any time during the course of the project and without explanation;

  10. Ensure that any information/data is recorded in a manner consistent with the National Privacy Principles;[5]

  11. Maintain confidentiality (i.e. not divulge any information obtained through the research without permission of the subjects/participants); 6

  12. Reveal any financial or funding interest in their research e.g. commercial sponsorship.


07.2.2  Students Undertaking Research Must Not

  1. Undertake any research which may require professional skills they do not yet possess unless assurance can be given from the supervisor that they are being acquired as part of the project;

  2. Misrepresent themselves in any way e.g. as having more skills, qualifications or experience than is in fact the case;

  3. Undertake research which involves risks for subjects/participants (particularly possible long-term effects) which they would not wish for themselves or their families;

  4. Undertake research on humans without first informing them and seeking their permission;

  5. Coerce or induce others to participate in their research;

  6. Use deception;

  7. Divulge any information relating to subjects/participants obtained through research projects when confidentiality/anonymity has been promised.


07.2.3  Recommended Procedure for Student Research

  1. Questionnaires/interviews etc. should be as short and non-intrusive as possible. Do not ask for information that you do not need for your research;

  2. Anonymous responses are to be used wherever possible as this will reduce difficulties with storage of information and protection of privacy;

  3. Where the information gathered is not anonymous, ensure that participants have the opportunity to edit any data gathered so as to reduce any likelihood of misrepresentation;

  4. Wherever possible and appropriate, offer to share findings with subjects/participants.

Note: these considerations apply regardless of whether formal ethics approval is necessary.


07.2.4  All Information Given to Subjects/Participants Must Include

  1. Identification of researcher as a student;

  2. Identification of supervisor;

  3. Identification of the College and the College phone number and address of supervisor;

  4. Purpose of study;

  5. Sufficient detail for subjects/participants to understand what the research will involve;

  6. Details of how the information will be stored and eventual plans for the data, whether archiving and/or destruction of raw data;

  7. Details of what will happen to information gathered, such as if and how it will be published or made available to the public by lodging in the College library and the likely impact on participants of publishing;

  8. A statement that participants are free to withdraw at any time and without giving a reason, and without any penalty or risk of harm.


07.2.5  Retention of Data

All raw data collected must be submitted to the Registrar for storing.  No data may be retained by the student.


07.2.6  The HREC Approval will not be given for Any Research

  1. Which involves risk of harm for subjects/participants (particularly possible long-term effects) which researchers would not wish for themselves or their families;

  2. Where the subjects/participants do not have full knowledge or have not fully consented (for example, in observational research);

  3. In which information relating to subjects/participants may be divulged to a third party when confidentiality/anonymity has been promised, except in line with the Privacy Principles;

  4. Where undue monetary or other inducement is offered in return for participation in research (this does not include ordinary compensation for out-of-pocket expenses, such as taxi fares, etc.);

  5.  Involving minors and normally research involving indigenous persons or communities.


07.2.7  Further Information and Queries

For further information, all HREC forms and guidelines about what to do can be found on the LSS. Check the link on the LSS at HEC00 Human Research Ethics Committee. Other queries should be addressed to your supervisor/course coordinator or the Registrar.


1  These guidelines are based on those of the University of Technology, Sydney obtainable from


2  See: http://www.avcc.edu.au/documents/publications/policy/statements/e35.pdf 

3 See http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/publications/humans/appndix2.htm

4 See http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/publications/humans/contents.htm

5 See Human Research Activity Subject Information Sheet.

6 See: HTTP://privaacy.gov.au/publications/npps01.html#a



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