06.1 Student Support

The Dean of Students is responsible for matters that affect the personal and spiritual welfare of students and their families. Faculty are available to assist students at any time and students should feel free to contact them. However, specific contacts are as follows:


General academic concerns: 

Student Handbook, Year Advisor or Registrar

General academic concerns: 

Student Handbook, Year Advisor or Registrar

Unit-specific academic concerns: 

Unit Co-ordinator or Registrar

Pastoral concerns: 

Your chaplain or Year Advisor in the first instance, then the Dean of Students

Ordination candidacy issues: 

Your chaplain or Year Advisor in the first instance, then the Dean of Students

International students: 

International Student Advisor

If you are not sure whom to contact for a particular matter please speak with your Chaplain (Years 2 – 4), Year Advisor or the Registrar.