05.2.1 Introduction

05.2.1 Introduction

The Graduate Certificate of Anglican Ministry is an award intended for preparing non-Moore Theological College graduates for ordination to the diaconate in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.

The award is a four-unit, part-time course offered at AQF level 8. The course is not available to overseas students.

Moore College is the ordination training college of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney. This course provides additional support for the Archbishop’s ordination policy. Should the Diocese seek to employ ministers from Dioceses other than Sydney, other mission contexts or have local applicants not trained by Moore Theological College, the award will ensure that all diaconal candidates are suitably prepared for Anglican ministry.

As a coursework award, the GradCertAM is under the responsibility of the Learning and Teaching Committee, a standing committee of the Academic Board. The Course Coordinator is the Academic Dean.

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