03.1.5 Advanced Diploma of Bible, Mission and Ministry (AdvDBMM)

Course Code: ADM0006                         

CRICOS Code: 094331C                                                         

AQF Level: 6

The Advanced Diploma of Bible, Mission and Ministry is designed for men and women who desire a biblical foundation for cross-cultural ministry, lay ministry, women’s ministry or music ministry in a congregation or Christian organisation or to be a better-equipped Christian in the workplace. It comprises both theoretical and practical components in the areas of biblical studies, doctrine, history, ministry and offers students four specialisations in missions, lay ministry, women’s ministry and music ministry. The course consists of eight core units and two elective units. It is awarded to those who successfully complete the program of prescribed study.

Course Structure

The AdvDBMM may be studied full-time or part-time over up to six years.

Core Units (for all four specialisations)

BS141 Biblical Theology

BS141 Biblical Theology

BS141 Biblical Theology

BS141 Biblical Theology

BS111 Old Testament 1

BS111 Old Testament 1

BS111 Old Testament 1

BS111 Old Testament 1

BS121 New Testament 1

BS121 New Testament 1

BS121 New Testament 1

BS121 New Testament 1

CM102 Ministry & Mission 1[1]

CM102 Ministry & Mission 11

CM102 Ministry & Mission 1 1

CM102 Ministry & Mission 1 1

CT100 Doctrine 1

CT100 Doctrine 1

CT100 Doctrine 1

CT100 Doctrine 1

Core Specialisation Units


Lay Ministry

Women’s Ministry

Music Ministry

CT125 Overview of Church History                  or

CT111 Thinking as a Theologian[2]

CT125 Overview of Church History                       or

CT111 Thinking as a Theologian2

CT125 Overview of Church History                       or

CT111 Thinking as a Theologian2

CT125 Overview of Church History                       or

CT111 Thinking as a Theologian2

CM153 Cross Cultural Christian Communication


CM153 Cross Cultural Christian Communication

CM182 Influences on and Issues for Australian Christian Women


CM132 Music Ministry Leadership (intensive[3])

 CM161 World Religions and the Gospel

CM105 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry (not available in 2025)

CM183 Christian Women in Australia

CM172 Church, Music and Worship (intensive)3

Electives (for all four specialisations)

BS102 Greek 1A and

BS103 Greek 1B

BS102 Greek 1A and

BS103 Greek 1B

BS102 Greek 1A and

BS103 Greek 1B

BS102 Greek 1A and

BS103 Greek 1B





CM130 Leadership in Various Ministry Contexts     and

BS130 Biblical Interpretation and Application

CM130 Leadership in Various Ministry Contexts     and

BS130 Biblical Interpretation and Application

CM130 Leadership in Various Ministry Contexts     and

BS130 Biblical Interpretation and Application

CM130 Leadership in Various Ministry Contexts     and

BS130 Biblical Interpretation and Application

Please note: Students who complete all units within a single stream of study (e.g. missions) may have that stream noted on their testamur, e.g. Advanced Diploma of Bible, Missions and Ministry (Missions). If numbers are insufficient, some elective units may not run every year.

Credit Points 

Core Units


Core Specialisation Units


Elective Units


BS111 Old Testament 1


CM105 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry


BS102 Greek 1A


BS121 New Testament 1


CM182 Influences on & Issues for Australian Christian Women


BS103 Greek 1B


BS141 Biblical Theology


CM183 Christian Women in Australia


CM130 Leadership in Various Ministry Contexts


CT100 Doctrine 1


CM132 Music Ministry Leadership


BS130 Biblical Interpretation & Application


CM102 Ministry & Mission 1


CM172 Church, Music & Worship






CM161 World Religions & the Gospel






CM153 Cross Cultural Christian Communication






CT125 Overview of Church History






CT111 Thinking as a Theologian




[1] CM102 is offered in four intensive blocks over two semesters.

[2] CT111 is a core unit in the first year of the BTh. Students considering articulating to the BTh may take CT111 instead of CT125. Church History is a core unit in years 2 and 3 of the BTh.

[3]Students may not complete the music intensive during the week of orientation during their first year of study at MTC.  Full-time students may only complete one unit of study by intensive mode (per year of study). CM132 and CM172 will be offered on alternative years.