06.3 Email
Email is the primary source of official communication between the College and students. All enrolled students are provided with a College email account.
One thing to note!
All College correspondence is only via your student email account. Activate and use your student email account.
Example: 10012345@student.moore.edu.au
Example: john.smith@student.moore.edu.au
Students are requested to check their College email account regularly. You will not be able to forward your student email to another email address. Official communication via student email is standard and some departments use email only.
The email address assigned to each student is ‘Preferredname.Lastname@student.moore.edu.au’ as well as StudentID@student.moore.edu.au. No other aliases are provided (except in the case of duplicate names). All email communication from the College will use that address.
College email accounts may be accessed using any web browser.
Go to: http://webmail.moore.edu.au