Married Residence_FINAL_MTC 2024 - 2025 (JULY 2024)

Married Residence_FINAL_MTC 2024 - 2025 (JULY 2024)






Married Housing



For Students living in

Moore College Residences





























Moore College is firmly committed to its residential status because it believes that pastors can only be properly prepared in the context of community. Fifty years ago, almost all Moore College students lived in the John Chapman House or Mary Andrews College (now Carillon House). This necessitated a requirement that students remain unmarried during their time here. To overcome this limitation, the College bought many of the surrounding houses as they became available and also set up satellite communities at Croydon Park and MooreWest. The foresight of Broughton Knox and the endorsement of his policy by the present College Governing Board has enabled students to enjoy the many benefits of a residential College today.


These benefits include:


Community – whole families living in close proximity, sharing, supporting, encouraging and growing together and simply enjoying friendship and fellowship.


Financial – benefit from the reduced cost of housing compared with commercial rents.


Sydney Candidates can fulfil the residential requirement of their candidacy and have the opportunity to know well their contemporaries who will be colleagues for many years to come.


Academic stimulation of studying and exploring God’s Word together, and more opportunity to use the resources available.


Growth in godliness through serving one another and praying together.


Opportunities for spouses to study themselves and be more involved in the College community and for families to have more time with their children while one or both parents are studying.


The ideal is that all students should be resident at College for the full duration of their course. Since the College cannot accommodate everyone, a list of criteria and priorities has been drawn up to try to allocate housing on an objective basis.




The Assistant to the Dean of Students works with the Housing and Accommodation Coordinator to allocate housing to current and incoming students each year after consideration of individual student needs. The College wants your time of residence to be a positive experience in all areas and seeks to contribute to that as far as possible. You are therefore encouraged to communicate with the “housing team” at any time during the process and during your residence.




Married or engaged students enrolled in or accepted to study in a full-time Moore College course may enquire about housing at any time by emailing housing@moore.edu.au.

For the following year, the housing process begins in late May. It is advisable to email housing before 1st June to be added to the list to receive an application when they open in July. Offers are sent out in mid – late September. Normally a house is allocated for approximately 12 months. From time to time properties are available at other times.


Please refer to Section 14 for the outline and dates of the process.


Each year students who are in college housing must indicate if they want to either remain in their current house or to request to change to another College house.


Please Note: If you change from full time to part time study please notify Lissa (Operations Team Leader) at housing@moore.edu.au .





Our houses vary in age and style, from the 1840’s era to new houses, townhouses & units. Most of the properties across the 3 campuses are 2 bedroom apartments.


We do allow pets at some campuses and a pet application and bond is necessary. Please enquire via housing@moore.edu.au .

In common with most older inner-city houses most of our old houses have no cavity walls. The old building methods using British bonded bricks mean there is direct contact through the bricks between the outside and inside. Hence the insulation that an air cavity gives is not present. Internal walls may need to be painted every 3 years or so, a job that students do themselves with College providing paint, filler and advice.


All maintenance and repairs in housing need to be requested and approved by contacting the Maintenance/Facilities Department before any adjustments are made.


Newtown Campus is a community of approximately 45 student families and multiple faculty members living in various properties surrounding the main campus at 1 King St, Newtown. There is further information regarding the broader Newtown Campus elsewhere in this booklet.


Newtown Apartments and Townhouses : Mostly 2 bedroom townhouses, a few 3 bedroom townhouses priced between $370 and $580.

Houses on Little Queen St, Campbell St and King St are on the college’s wifi network. However, Queen St Townhouses are not on the colleges wifi, although off street undercover parking is included for 1 space per unit. Some of the townhouses in Little Queen St, King St and Campbell St have a gas connection in additon to electricity.


Croydon Park Campus is a community of approximately 25 student families and a faculty family living in or adjacent to an old mansion (called But-Har-Gra) in huge grounds at Croydon Park (on the corner of Georges River Road and Croydon Avenue). There is a large open area for common use and plenty of room for the various activities of all the residents.


Croydon Park Apartments and Townhouses : All 2 bedroom across 124 Croydon Ave (Apartment ) and 126 Croydon Ave (Townhouses) , 1 x 2 bedroom, 2 x 3 bedrooms and 1 x 4 bedrooms in the But Har Gra Mansion priced between $370 and $500. Rent for these college owned properties includes internet and off street parking (1 space per unit). The 4 apartments in the But Har Gra Mansion have a gas connection in addition to electricity. There are a few other properties in Croydon that college manages, but they don’t include internet.


The bus and train trip to College is 30 minutes, the bus alone is 40 minutes. During Semester time, college provides 2 car spaces in Newtown for students to car pool. Travel between college and Croydon via car takes approximately 20 minutes.


The garages in the 124 Croydon Avenue block are not linked to a particular unit but have been converted for various uses that benefit the whole community including studies, storage facilities for student belongings (not furniture) and the remaining two became undercover areas for community activities such as crèche.


MooreWest Campus is located at North Parramatta. The property consists of 15 home units adjacent to All Saints’ Church in Elizabeth Street Parramatta and is a short walk from Parramatta business centre and railway station. The units are adjacent to a council park and only a couple of blocks from the Parramatta River and the ferry into town.


Moore West Apartments: 1 , 2 and 3 bedrooms ( Parramatta ) are priced between $330 and $380 and it includes internet and off street parking (1 space per unit). Electrical connection only.


Attached to the property is an air-conditioned study hall with a reference library for student use. The care and cleaning of this hall is the responsibility of the students who use it.


The train trip to College is 45 minutes. During Semester time, college provides 2 car spaces in Newtown for students to carpool. Travel between college and Moore West via car takes approximately 30 – 60 minutes.


Croydon Park and MooreWest have play areas for the children and community barbecues. They are supportive College communities and provide a different environment and living experience from Newtown.


Each year as part of the housing process, some Senior Students and Community Heads are available to answer questions about what college housing is like at various locations (where possible). Sometimes tours are also possible. Speaking to these representatives is an excellent way to gain realistic expectations of living in married housing on the various campuses.


Please contact housing@moore.edu.au for more information about individual houses.


We have limited photos of available houses each year. Please note that we don’t have floor plans of the houses.


If you would like to contact residents at the various campuses, please use the following:


Moore West Housing


Pip Witheridge – Phillip.witheridge@student.moore.edu.au


Croydon Housing


Damien Clark – Damien.clark@student.moore.edu.au


Jasper de Keizer – jasper.dekeizer@student.moore.edu.au


Newtown – Queen St


Trace Akankunda – trace.akankunda@student.moore.edu.au


Jack Stileman – jack.stileman@student.moore.edu.au


David Burdis – david.burdis@student.moore.edu.au


Newtown – Little Queen St


Zaneta Neal – Zaneta.neal@student.moore.edu.au


Anna Hoole – anna.hoole@student.moore.edu.au


Josh Hoole – josh.hoole@student.moore.edu.au





The Campbell Street Playground is in the centre of our Newtown housing complex. Playground equipment and BBQ facilities are available. It provides a meeting place for parents and children and is very important to the lifestyle of the community. Any concerns regarding cleanliness, safety and general use of the playground, please contact the relevant student representatives.




41 King Street is available to students as a community centre. Student groups such as Creche and Grapevine use it regularly and it’s available for meetings, bible study groups and children’s birthday parties etc. This facility is the responsibility of the students who book and use it, hence there is no charge for student use. Students must leave the premises cleaned, with bins emptied and the building secure. There is a list of student responsibilities on the key tag. Bookings can be made at the Concierge Desk at 1 King Street or by emailing concierge@moore.edu.au .


124 Croydon Avenue has a community space for the residents to use. It is managed and cleaned by the residents in the Croydon Park community.


At MooreWest, the College has set aside a modified area in the large hall for guest accommodation. This is managed by the Community at MooreWest.




Newtown Parking - Since College has a limited amount of parking, it is not possible to provide permanent parking for Newtown residents. As residents of Sydney City Council, you are eligible to apply to council for a parking permit for street parking concessions.




To assist the Croydon Park and MooreWest residents when parking at Newtown, the College has reserved some parking spaces in the Carillon Avenue Car Park for use by these communities. These are assigned for use Monday - Friday during term time (including stuvac & exam periods). The student warden of each campus arranges car-pooling for these spaces. These spaces can also be used for attending evening part time lectures and Moore Women events outside of business hours. To book these spaces and request access, please contact concierge@moore.edu.au .


Croydon Park & MooreWest Parking - Students are welcome to park in undesignated spaces but if one family has two cars, please only park one of them at a time on College property. Students and their guests are asked to only park in the designated parking area and not to park or drive on the grass.


Trailers & Caravans

There is no parking available at any of the 3 Campus’ for additional vehicles such as trailers, caravans, and boat & camper trailers.  Please find alternative parking arrangements whilst at college.





Security screen doors have been provided for College houses. Student residents need to exercise care and to develop a ‘neighbourhood watch’ awareness. Our location in Newtown is near a very low socio-economic area making us susceptible to petty thieving, especially on Sunday and at times when there is activity in the dining room, e.g. lunch times, Tuesday nights, etc. Please keep your cars and houses locked. College has an engraving tool that you may borrow from the Property Department to label your valuables. Please do not leave any valuables in your car.


Please report all thefts or minor intrusions to police so the local authorities can form a full picture of crime in the area and serve the community better. The Police Assistance Line phone number is 131 444.


For safety and security, flyscreens have been installed in all houses. Anywhere a window is on the first floor or above, a security/insect screen has been installed to protect children from falling out. These security/insect screens are a legal requirement and MUST NOT be removed.





MooreWomen produce a handbook each year called “Moore College Life” and this contains some useful practical information about living in community. It is distributed each year to all first-year students at the beginning of the year.




College provides Wi-Fi at no charge to residents of the following:


  • Moore West

  • In Croydon – residents of the units in 124 and 126 Croydon Ave and But Har Gra

  • In Newtown – King St, Little Queen St and Campbell St


Residents of other properties need to source and pay for their internet connections until further notice.


For any problems with college supplied WIFI, please email helpdesk@moore.edu.au.


Please remember that the WIFI provided is a shared resource, and excessive use and large downloads will disadvantage other residents. Use this service taking into consideration the needs of others in your community.




North Newtown Primary School (catchment area is the College side of King Street) is next door to our houses in Campbell Street and Carillon Avenue. Our students are active on the
P. & C. and in teaching scripture there. Some of the College children also attend Darlington School (catchment area is Queen Street side of King Street).


From Croydon Park Campus, the local primary school is Ashbury, and High Schools are Burwood Girls, Canterbury Boys or Concord High (Co-Ed). The local preschool is Canterbury Community Child Care Centre at Ashbury.




The College invites you into the community and undertakes to provide for your domestic housing needs as far as possible. It is usual that only your immediate family lives with you and no other relatives or boarders.


Due to the Residential Tenancies Act 2010, all students residing in a College residence must sign a lease or a letter of extension for each year of residence.


Accommodation is charged weekly in arrears. According to the terms of the leasing agreements students will agree to pay rent on time.


If for any reason a resident thinks he or she may not be able to make their rent payments on time due to finance/banking and support related issues they should contact the College’s Financial Controller to discuss and agree their payment plan. If, however the delay relates to a pastoral issue they are encouraged to meet with the Dean of Students or Dean of Women Students to discuss their particular circumstances.


At the end of the academic year all students are required to have paid off any amounts due to College. Further details on this matter are contained in the Student Handbook at 12.25 Fees and Bursaries point 5.


The weekly charges are listed in the back of this book: they take effect from 1st January each year. Residents will receive monthly statements in their own name by email. If residents wish they can then pass these statements on to their supporters. Account updates may also be requested at the Concierge Desk via emailing finance@moore.edu.au .


Accommodation will be charged up to the date keys and condition report are returned to the office, even if the residents have moved out. Please plan ahead and allow time for the packing up and cleaning of your house BEFORE you arrange to return your keys and condition report.

For further information regarding the process of transferring houses and moving out and rental charges, please see section 15 – 19 in this handbook.


To help set up rental payments the College has a direct debit system for residents. A link and QR code for the form is provided at the end of this booklet to complete banking details. Debits will be processed at the end of each 2-weekly interval on a Friday which will be equivalent to 2 weeks of rent. Alternatively, students can choose to pay via BPay or direct deposit on a regular basis. If you want to pay for your accommodation by regular credit card payments, please ask for a form at the concierge desk.


If paying via BPay, students are issued with a series of BPay reference numbers, one of which is for accommodation payments, and can be accessed at their individual MyMoore account at http://MyMoore.moore.edu.au. If that is not feasible then payments can be made by:


  • EFT direct to the College’s bank account. Residents can find the relevant details by logging into their MyMoore account. It is important that the bank reference number to appear on the College’s bank statement is the student’s BPay accommodation number.

    • In person at the Concierge Desk by credit card or EFTPOS.




The College Facilities Manager (Jon Telfer), is responsible for all property matters including construction, improvements, repairs and maintenance. Please note that the Facilities / Property Team assesses and plans from year to year, which properties require renovations or maintenance.

The housing upgrading program will necessitate the Facilities Department contacting certain residents during the year to arrange a suitable time to inspect the property. The Facilities Manager and the Property Staff also require access to properties for maintenance requests and requirements as needed. As much notice will be given as possible.


To prepare for these plans and review the wear and tear on our properties, an end of tenancy property inspection will be completed by the Facilities Manager/Maintenance Team Member for all vacating residents. These inspections will take place via appointment with Jon Telfer between September and November. This is in addition to an end of lease inspection on all properties for vacating and transferring residents.


Repairs and Maintenance


Please do not email or phone in maintenance requests.


All requests should be made by filling in the online Maintenance Request Form available at http://repair.moore.edu.au/. Please ensure all relevant information is included.


Please note that changes to flooring, kitchens and bathrooms are decided by the Facilities Manager. Residents are not permitted to change flooring, doors, window coverings - including blinds without prior consultation and permission from the Facilities Manager.


Appliances such as dishwashers and air conditioners are not supplied by college for student housing and the Facilities Team are not responsible for repairing them or replacing them. If the appliance stops working, it is the responsibility of the resident to get it repaired, replaced or disposed of.



After hours call out – All Residents


If used, there are high costs incurred with afterhours calls to tradesmen. When there is a break down or a problem such as electrical, plumbing, e.g. hot water failure, broken lock, broken glass there are options that may reduce the urgency or even solve the problem until the staff are back on site.


Before calling an after-hours service please speak to one of the senior students in your community to discuss other options apart from an after-hours service. Where appropriate, the senior student can contact the Facilities Manager or Maintenance Supervisor to contact the relevant tradesperson.


College nominated Tradespeople for urgent repairs (per Tenancy Agreement p. 2)

Electrical Baikie’s Electrical (Scott Baikie) 0414 526 611

Plumbing PPM (Phil Millouro) 0419 270 822


NB: During storms etc the wider community and then emergency services may be able to help.




Generally, students can request to make aesthetic improvements to the property. Before proceeding with any changes you wish to make, please discuss your requests with the Facilities Manager. Our aim is to work with the student community within college housing on these requests, however it is not always possible to make the requested changes.


Painting - If you wish to paint your house, College will provide the paint only. (contact Matt Phillips via the Maintenance form with a few days notice). Painting equipment, ordinary hand and power tools will not be let out by the College. All College properties are painted with white ceilings. For the walls, you have a choice of six colours; Taubmans Flannell Flower, Star Blue , Green Whisper, Dulux Magnolia (cream), Antique USA (Ivory) and White.


Fans - If you would like to have a ceiling fan installed, please contact the Facilities Manager so that MTC can buy the fan suitable for the property at the tenant’s expense and will install using the college electrician at MTC expense.


Although the College is happy for you to make any other aesthetic improvement or to change minor fittings, any other alteration project (structural renovations, electrical or plumbing work) must not be performed by occupants. However, requests for licenced tradesmen to carry out such work may be presented to Jon Telfer ( Facilities Manager ).


If you are a new College resident and wish to do some minor improvements, you may apply for up to 2 weeks access to your house prior to moving in.


Blinds / Curtains – please do not remove blinds that are installed in the houses/units. These are a part of college property. If the blinds are not operating correctly, please report this to the Property Department via the online form. If you would like to hang curtains, you can put in a request via the maintenance form to have a curtain rod installed. Then you can supply your own curtains.


Note: You will not be reimbursed for any out of pocket expenses unless you have first sought and obtained approval from Jon.

You might also be charged if work is done on College property without approval.


Door Locks / Keys - Please do not change any door locks or add new ones. If you do, you will need to bear the expense of the locksmith and having new keys cut. If this has been necessary in an emergency, you must contact Robyn Cooper in the Property office and supply her with a copy of the new keys within seven days. Please also see 13.11 .




Keeping your garden neat and tidy is the responsibility of each College resident under the terms of their lease. Gardening in your own yard is an opportunity for you to make our environment more pleasant. If you wish to plant shrubs in your garden, please consult Jon who will advise on the most appropriate plants and provide you with them. Especially if you live in a strata managed building. If you come across asthma weed a troublesome weed growing in College gardens, on our walls, in the concrete, etc - please eradicate it as it triggers asthma attacks


Students living in the Croydon Park & MooreWest communities, are asked to help maintain the grounds of their community by keeping them clean and tidy.


Waste Disposal


The College has a garbage skip on site and this is for use by the Maintenance Department only. If you wish to dispose of any large items, please contact the local council for your area for information regarding the local “council clean-up” service. Note that councils differ in this service (e.g. some have council clean-up days, others have a pick-up service twice a year). If you live in the Queen St Townhouses, please contact the Property Department to enquire.


Please do not leave plastic bags of household garbage outside the front or back door of your unit or house as this attracts rodents & other pests.




Control of cockroaches, spiders & rodents within college houses is the responsibility of tenants.   Treatments required, will be at the expense of each individual resident.  Residents are welcome to use off the shelf DIY products, contact a contractor of their own choice or contact the contractor used by the College:

Hunt 'em Out Pest Control (Phil Hunt) 0417 495 059


An annual inspection for white ants is carried out.  The College pays for treatment if your property is selected for inspection and for any required treatment if needed.


Control of cockroaches & rodents within college houses is the responsibility of tenants and especially when you move out of your house.


College will only treat rodents and spiders in common areas.


Pets – Upon application, with limited locations and Pet Bond apply.


All College leases state: “The tenant agrees not to keep animals on the residential premises without obtaining the landlord’s consent”.


Note: As of 2021, students who reside in Little Queen St, Croydon Housing and Queen St Townhouses may apply to have a pet.


Please complete the application form before getting the pet.


Please note: If you live in the Queen St Townhouses, approval from the Strata Committee must be obtained before getting the animal or allowing it to live with you (if you already own it from a previous residence). This is in addition to having the application approved by Operations Staff.


There is also a Pet Bond to be paid of $250 once the application is approved. The Bond will be refunded when a receipt for professional carpet cleaning is provided to the Operations Team leader when moving out as stated on the application form. This Pet Bond is payable in addition to the security cleaning fee for all new and transferring residents.


If a pet is already owned before applying for College housing then please make every effort to find a more appropriate home for it. If this is impossible, please let us know when we are allocating houses so that we can try and give you a house where your pet will be able to be contained.


If you are given permission to bring a pet into the Newtown community please remember your pet must be:


  • Small and suited to mostly indoors;

  • kept out of the playground areas during the day;

  • indoors or locked up at night;

  • on a lead at all times if exercised on the College Green and all droppings picked up.


Electricity, gas and telephone – setting up accounts & final readings


Electricity, gas and telephone will need to be connected in your name and you will be responsible for the charges incurred. Most of the Newtown houses have a gas bayonet connection for you to connect a gas heater if you have one. This can be a considerable saving on heating expenses. No open fires are permissible because of the fire risk. Chimneys in our Newtown properties have been blocked off.



All students moving into college housing need to set up their own account with their chosen provider for electricity and gas (if gas is connected) from the date of moving into their accommodation.


If you receive a bill in the mail for the period of time between the residents, please contact the provider on that bill and tell them the date you moved in and that you are not responsible for the interim bill. They should then waive the costs and you are not liable for these charges. College is not responsible for these charges.


If you are moving out of college housing please contact your provider and ask for a final reading for the date you are moving out. If you are transferring houses within college accommodation, please arrange the final reading for your current house and then change your account to new address with new occupation start date.



But Har Gra – Electricity Connection


From 2022, residents in the But Har Gra house will be billed quarterly by the College for electricity usage. The charge will be advised by email and charged to the student’s rent account. An Electricity Bond will be charged to cover the final quarter of the year. The bill for the last quarter is usually notified early in the following year. The student can choose to pay the bill at the relevant time and have the bond refunded or have the final amount taken out of the bond amount. For information regarding Gas connection, please contact housing@moore.edu.au


Discounted Electricity


The Christian Supply Chain buyers’ group recommend “Make It Cheaper” for checking your utilities bills and seeking better deals. Submit your details and bills for them to assess at https://www.makeitcheaper.com.au/landing/cscbg  or by calling 02 8880 5514 you can be directed to the team that helps CSCBG members out.

Low Income Household Rebate


Below is a link to a useful summary of energy rebates and offers available in NSW to low income households:




The rebates appear to be limited to each financial year, so students may wish to check their eligibility and claim their available rebates prior to the end of the financial year.




Unless you are in 33, 37 or 35 King St, Little Queen St or Queen Street townhouses, all mail/deliveries should be sent to your street address and not to 1 King Street, Newtown. This includes both letters and parcels.




Your privacy is respected and where possible notice is given when access is needed for repairs.





If you lock yourself out of your house during business hours please contact the Property office or the Concierge Desk and request a loan set to use so you can retrieve your keys or get a replacement set.


If you lose any of the issued keys throughout the tenancy, please notify the Property Admin team (Robyn.cooper@moore.edu.au ) or complete a form at the concierge desk to request replacements. There will be a charge for keys to be replaced.


At MooreWest and Croydon Park, if you lock yourself out – outside of hours, please contact the student warden or Faculty warden responsible for your campus.


For Newtown, the Principal (Mark Thompson), Vice Principal (Simon Gillham), Dean of Students (Paul Grimmond) have access to the College Key Cabinet where they can log out the key to be returned during office hours.  If neither Mark, Simon or Paul can be contacted, you may contact a locksmith at your own expense to gain access to the property.


Please do not change the locks. If you consider that locks require changing, please discuss this with the Facilities Manager, Jon Telfer prior to acting. Please remember if you do change the locks you may be required to bear the expense and provide the College with a copy of the new keys within seven days.


House keys, including window lock keys, should be returned at the end of the lease agreement taped to an A4 sheet of paper with a description beside each key of it use and the Keys Issued Form that you received. This assists and makes it clear that all the correct keys are returned.


Queen Street townhouse residents who wish to use the garage space provided will be issued with a swipe card. If this card is lost it is the responsibility of the resident concerned to contact Linda Nicoll (21/5-17 Queen Street, Tel. 9516 3010), to cancel the card number. A replacement key form (available at the Concierge Desk, Ground floor, 1 King Street), will need to be completed to arrange a replacement of the swipe card at the resident’s own expense. Cards must not be exchanged or loaned.


In all areas, if a student loses or damages their keys, they will need to pay the full cost of the replacement.

College Studies


Croydon Park Campus residents at 126 Croydon Ave are issued with 2 copies of the key for access to the community studies. All other residents use their unit key. A $20 deposit per key will be required from any College student wishing to use the studies living outside of College housing.


MooreWest residents use their unit key to access the college study on this site.


The Newtown King St Study spaces are currently offered only by email invite to Newtown Married Housing Residents.


Applications prioritise in the following order:


  1. Married Housing (Newtown) with no spare room.

  2. Married Housing (Newtown).


The cost is $150 per year. Keys to the King St Study are to be returned when housing keys are returned to the property office if you are leaving college.


19 King Street Study spaces


The Samuel Marsden Room is available to 4th year students exclusively and at a cost of $150 per year. This room will be locked and occupants will require a key. Please contact lissa.allen@moore.edu.au to apply.


All other rooms on levels 1 and 2 in 19 King Street area available for individual or group study. Rooms can be booked at the Concierge Desk by an individual student (any undergraduate student) on behalf of a group on an ad hoc or regular basis (for up to 8 weeks).


Lockers may be available for those who don’t have an allocated study space and want to store items more permanently at college during term time – please enquire at the Concierge Desk.


The offer of the rooms in 19 King St is conditional upon the person booking the room acknowledging that they are responsible for ensuring:

  • main doors (leading outside) remain locked with no props – we often have doors propped open which breaches security whether people are in the building, or not

  • if furniture is moved out of the room, it is returned

  • if furniture is rearranged in the room, it is put back to the original layout

  • rubbish is placed in bins

  • whiteboards are left clean

  • Air-conditioning Units are turned off after use


126 Croydon Ave Townhouses & the Body Corporate

Students who wish to live in the Croydon Ave Townhouses at 126 Croydon Ave, need to be mindful that not all the townhouses are owned by Moore College. Every resident in the complex needs to comply with the Body Corporate By-Laws. The College and/or the resident would be liable if non-compliance of these rules causes and accident or damage to a person or property, or even the prevention of the sale of another unit.


To assist with your understanding of the Body Corporates / Strata Regulations, we ask that all residents observe these highlighted issues: -


  • Maintain and keep car space clean (including free of grease and oil).

  • Parking Space Use: Do not carry out any mechanical or other repairs on the car space.

The only use of the car space is for parking of a motor vehicle, motor cycle or a trailer.

  • All rear yards are common property and therefore, they cannot be blocked off as they are a common right of way.

  • Do not leave plastic bags of household garbage outside the front or back door of your townhouse as this attracts rodents & other pests.

Queen Street Townhouses & the Body Corporate


Students who wish to live in the Queen Street Townhouses, need to be mindful that not all of the townhouses are owned by Moore College. Every resident in the complex needs to comply with the Body Corporate By-Laws. The College and/or the resident would be liable if non-compliance of these rules causes an accident or damage to a person or property, or even the prevention of the sale of another unit.


To assist with your understanding of the Body Corporates / Strata Regulations, we ask that all residents observe these highlighted issues:


  • Washing MUST NOT be hung in the front garden or communal gardens of the complex. Washing must be hung in the private courtyards of each unit or on the communal lines.

    • Prams must not be left in front of townhouses.

    • Children’s play equipment, toys or ride-ons are also not to be left at the front of the townhouse, on any walkways or any communal areas.

    • Parking Area is not for storage of items due to incidents of vandalism, theft and fire. Storage is only permitted in the allocated storage cage if our unit has one of these.

Your allocated parking space can be only used for a motor vehicle or for bicycles.

It is the responsibility of each resident to maintain the gardens in their courtyards. Strata specify that certain plants CANNOT be planted in the garden beds.

Please contact the MTC Facilities Manager for guidance on the acceptable plants prior to planting.

  • Units with rear courtyards must also maintain the small garden near their front door. Please keep this area tidy & weed free. DO NOT leave personal items in this front area.

  • Do not leave plastic bags of household garbage outside the front or back door of your townhouse as this attracts rodents & other pests.

  • Comply with all Strata Notices regarding Rubbish & Recycling.

  • Council Clean Ups are managed by the MTC Facilities Office for all QSTH MTC Residents. Please contact Robyn Cooper robyn.cooper@moore.edu.au to arrange a collection as needed.

MooreWest Clothes Dryers


Some of the MooreWest Units still have Clothes Dryers that were included in the original build of these units.  As it is not our policy to provide or maintain white goods in College housing, these dryers will not be repaired at College expense.  Should the dryer need repairs, you are welcome to complete a Maintenance Request which will be charged back to you if you decide to proceed with the repairs or you are welcome to dispose of the dryer.



Little Queen Street Garbage Bin Storage


We have allocated locations for the storage of garbage bins for all residences in Little Queen rather than the old practice of the bins being in the rear yard and dragging the bins through the house.


For the Residents of #2, 4, 6, 8, 10 & 12

Your bins are stored in the rear of your property and brought around the front via the back lane.


For the Residents of #3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14 &16.

Your bins are kept in the passage next to 1 Little Queen St in allocated spots.

Please leave the lids closed.

Both of your bins are labelled.  Please advise the Property Office if the labels need replacing.


For the Residents of #15, 17 & 18 & 20.

Your bins are stored behind 15 & 17 Little Queen St in allocated spots.

The bins will need to be positioned side by side against the College Green Wall.  Please leave the lids closed.

Both of your bins are labelled.  Please advise the Property Office if the labels need replacing.


Each resident is responsible to put out (in front of their own residence) and bring in their own bins to this allocated spot. Please do not leave them out on the street beyond collection day due to the congestion this causes for the footpaths and the pedestrians.




The approximate timetable for application and allocation is as set out below. Specific dates for the following year are communicated via email at the start of the process in late May each year.


Late May – All married students currently in college housing will be emailed to ask if they are seeking to:


  1. Stay in their current house

  2. Transfer to another college house

  3. Vacate their current house – either because they are leaving college or they are requesting to live off campus for the following year.


If you indicate that you would like to stay in your current house for the following year, you

will receive an email in early September with a lease extension letter.


If you change your mind about staying in your home for 2024, please advise Lissa by the

25th August at the very latest.


By late June: an email with an application link (with available properties) will be sent to the following:


  1. Current students who want to apply to live in college married housing

  2. Any future students who have been accepted to study at Moore College who are seeking to live in college housing

  3. Any current married student who does not currently reside in college housing and does not have an exemption to live off campus.

  4. Married Students who are leaving College housing with their intended leave date.


The application form asks for data about number of children in your family and their ages. Please give as much information as you can about the reasons for your housing preferences. We also ask where you will be serving at church in 2024 to understand those needs.


If you are a student who is leaving college housing please indicate your moving out date via this form or via email housing@moore.edu.au . Even if you mention this in passing to a staff member, please put it in writing.



If you are leaving college housing or applying for a transfer please allocate enough time to pack up your house and clean it and return keys.

Please take into consideration that other students also need to coordinate their plans to move into your vacated house. This includes planning for holidays over the summer. If you want to transfer houses, please don’t plan holidays in December (where possible) unless you know you can’t move into the new residence due to an extension.

We aim for all transfers (where possible) to be completed by the 22nd December.


We understand that if you have school aged children and you are leaving college housing at the end of the year, the vacating date of 8th December is likely to be too early for you. Please email the dean of students and housing@moore.edu.au with a request for an extension.


Friday 28th July: deadline for applications for the following year with as much information as can be given at that time.


Friday 25th August: deadline for any additional information to be notified to


By Friday 22nd September: first round offers will be emailed to those requesting a transfer to another house, students who are applying to come into married housing and letters of extension to those remaining in their current house. The following information gives you a brief outline of the dates to move in/out of housing.


Staying in the same house: For those staying in the same house, the College will issue a letter to extend the lease rather than re-issuing a lease. We will also ask you to complete an online form to indicate how you will pay rent and bank details for DDR if that is the mode of payment.


  • Transferring Houses: all housing transfers should take place by Thursday 22nd December 2023 unless there is an extension for the previous tenant or maintenance is needed before a house is reoccupied.

    • Please note: Permission to extend your stay in your current house will only be granted to transferring students under exceptional circumstances.

    • Please ensure that you are able move house by this date before applying for a housing transfer.

    • Where possible, please avoid organising holidays or time away during this period so that moving is not delayed. Please note that you should move out with time for the new tenant to move in by the 22nd December (if the new tenant is currently in college housing).

    • Requests for extensions should be sent to housing@moore.edu.au and Paul.grimmond@moore.edu.au by 31st October.


  • Vacating (permanently) Housing: all vacating students are required to leave their College house by Friday 8th December 2023.

    • You can request an extension to your lease to move out and hand in your keys by 22nd December at the latest.

    • Requests for extensions should be sent to housing@moore.edu.au and Paul.grimmond@moore.edu.au by 31st October.

    • The maximum extension is to 2nd January of the following year. This is for extenuating circumstances as it delays any possible maintenance work and the new residents moving in.


Moving in (new to college housing): Some houses require maintenance between occupancy and over the summer break. So, moving in to the property is by negotiation. Some houses may be available from the 2nd January, but most houses will be available for occupation from Monday 8th January 2024. Students are expected to be in residence by the Friday before Orientation Welcome Day (3rd February).


In Early November: Students who are transferring houses or students moving into college housing will be sent information about the moving in / transfer process along with the following documents:

  • Lease (these are printed out at the office and will be available to sign at your second housing appointment)

  • Condition Report – to be completed online after you move in, saved and sent back to housing@moore.edu.au

  • Links to Accommodation Payment Form and Direct Debit Form – to be completed online

  • New Tenant Checklist (for your reference)

  • Strata Documents (if relevant)


24th November: Final day of Academic year. Students should request special permission to move out before this date.


8th December: Vacating Students to have moved out by this date having returned the keys and the completed condition report.


22nd December: Deadline for Transfers and 1st extension date with keys returned.


8th January: Students moving into College housing can collect keys and move in on or after this date. Students are expected to be in their college housing by the Friday before Orientation Welcome Day (3rd February).




Please refer to Section 14 for all relevant dates in the Housing Process. This includes dates for moving in and out of college housing.


Please note that as of 2023, all properties will be inspected at the end of your tenancy in all college managed housing. We have encountered issues with properties not being cleaned to a reasonable standard for the next residents of the property.


There will also be a security cleaning deposit of $250 charged to all transferring and new residents in 2024. This deposit will be refunded after the inspection is completed at the end of the tenancy and the property is found to be acceptable.


This fee is in addition to the Pet Bond (if you have a pet in your house).


All students transferring will need to make two appointments during business hours with Housing staff members. Information about making these appointments will be sent out in early November. The link to the appointment booking page is on the last page of this book.



  1. The first appointment is to go to the Concierge Desk to pick up the keys to the house they are transferring to. The keys can be picked up by either the husband or wife irrespective of who is the student. Please try to come during business hours, but if you can’t, please notify Lissa via housing@moore.edu.au as soon as possible. Other students cannot sign for the issued keys. Loan sets may be available from the property team under special circumstances and by request through staff.

  2. The second appointment is to do the following (please read carefully):

    1. First go to the Property Office (31 King St - entrance via Little Queen St) and return all the keys – including window keys taped /attached to an A4 sheet along with the description for what the key is used for and the Keys Issued Form (which was given when the keys were first signed for/ or emailed) for the house they are moving out of as well as the completed condition report for that house. This was the condition report you completed when entering and the leaving side needs to be completed as well.

    2. The completed Condition Report is stamped and signed by a Property Team member to indicate that no money is payable for lost keys.

    3. Students then take their stamped and completed condition report from the previous house to the Concierge Desk (1 King St).

    4. As of 2023-2024 The Condition report for the new/transferred residence will need to be completed as a soft copy, saved with the name of resident and address of the property and sent back to Housing@moore.edu.au .

    5. This second appointment should also be used to sign the lease (2 copies printed by the office) The lease can be signed by the student and the spouse. But the student must be present to sign the lease.

    6. To arrange rental payments via direct debit, please complete the online forms.




The relevant QR codes are also available on the last page of this book.

Please update your change of address via mymoore.com.au or email changeofaddress@moore.edu.au


Keys for the vacated property must be returned within 24 hours of your move. Otherwise you will be charged rent for both properties.


Keys must always be returned to the Property Office by you, not an intermediary. Unless notified otherwise by staff.


Keys should not be given from the outgoing residents to the incoming occupants.

If you cannot return the keys in person to the Property Office during business hours please speak to Lissa in advance via housing@moore.edu.au . We will do our best to accommodate you with an alternative solution.


If you are transferring houses within college accommodation, please arrange with your electricity and gas provider for a final reading for your current house and then change your account to new address with new occupation date.


If you plan to leave items for the next person in your current house, please note that the new resident will be required complete a form Married Housing - transfer of furniture or appliances to complete with the list of items. As well as the agreement that they take full responsibility for the repair and relevant disposal of listed items at the end of their tenancy. Please discuss this with the next resident to arrange. A QR code is also included on the last page of this book.


  1. Please refer to Section 14 for all relevant dates in the Housing Process. This includes dates for moving in and out of college housing.

    1. Please note that as of 2023, all properties will be inspected at the end of your tenancy in all college managed housing. We have encountered issues with properties not being cleaned to a reasonable standard for the next residents of the property. There will also be a security cleaning deposit of $250 charged to all transferring and new residents in 2024. This deposit will be refunded after the inspection is completed at the end of the tenancy and the property is found to be acceptable. This fee is in addition to the Pet Bond (if you have a pet in your house).

    2. All students moving out of College Housing will need to make one appointment during business hours with Housing. Information about making these appointments will be sent out in early November. The link to the appointment booking page is on the last page of this book.

      1. The appointment time is to do the following (please read carefully):

        1. First go to the Property Office (31 King St - entrance via Little Queen St) and return all the keys – including window keys taped /attached to an A4 sheet along with the description for what the key is used for and the Keys Issued Form (which was given when the keys were first signed for/ or emailed) for the house they are moving out of as well as the completed condition report for that house. This was the condition report you completed when entering and the leaving side needs to be completed as well.

        2. The completed Condition Report is stamped and signed by a Property Team member to indicate that no money is payable for lost keys.

        3. Students then take their stamped and completed condition report from the previous house to the Concierge Desk (1 King St).

        4. Students are required to have paid their rental and student fees account in full before vacating. This will be checked at this final appointment.

        5. Students are also asked to

          1. remove all mail and items from their pigeon hole

          2. redirect their mail through Australia Post where relevant

          3. email changeofaddress@moore.edu.au to update their details in Moore DB.


  1. Keys for the vacated property must be returned within 24 hours of your move. Otherwise you will be charged rent until your keys and Condition Report are received by the Property Office.

  2. Keys must always be returned to the Property Office by you, not an intermediary.

  3. Keys should not be given from the outgoing residents to the incoming occupants.

  4. Please ask your electricity provider to do a final reading on your meter.

  5. If you cannot return the keys in person to the Property Office during business hours please speak to Lissa in advance via housing@moore.edu.au . We will do our best to accommodate you with an alternative solution.

    1. If you plan to leave items for the next person in your current house, please note that the new resident will be required complete a form Married Housing - transfer of furniture or appliances to complete with the list of items. As well as the agreement that they take full responsibility for the repair and relevant disposal of listed items at the end of their tenancy. Please discuss this with the next resident to arrange. A QR code is also included on the last page of this book.






DEPARTURE CHECKLIST – for those transferring houses or vacating college housing


  1. Please note that as of 2023, all properties will be inspected at the end of your tenancy in all college managed housing. We have encountered issues with properties not being cleaned to a reasonable standard for the next residents of the property.

  2. There will also be a security cleaning deposit of $250 charged to all transferring and new residents in 2024. This deposit will be refunded after the inspection is completed at the end of the tenancy and the property is found to be acceptable.

  3. This fee is in addition to the Pet Bond (if you have a pet in your house).


It is important that you clean your house thoroughly so it is ready for the next student to move in. Houses should be cleaned within 24 hours of the property being vacated.


If you arrange a professional cleaner or carpet cleaning to be done, please allow enough time to have this done before you return your keys to the Property Office and stop paying rent for that property.


Please remember that you will continue to be charged until the condition report and keys have been returned. We have provided this check list to help you. If any item needs further cleaning we will have it done and an account to cover the cost of an employed cleaner will be sent to you. The Security Cleaning Deposit will contribute to the cost of cleaning. The following items are expected to be clean or done:


  • All floors including carpet, tiles and vinyl

  • Carpets must be shampooed

  • The stove, hotplates, grill, oven and range hood

  • All bench tops, splashbacks and inside cupboards.

  • Bathroom (toilet, hand basin, vanity cupboard, mirror and bath/shower).

  • Exhaust fans

  • Windows, wash all curtains, dust or wipe blinds

  • Dust premises throughout and wipe down/clean walls & doorways.

  • Mow lawns, weed gardens, tidy and clear yard of all rubbish where required

  • Turn off hot water service

  • Arrange for gas, electricity meters to be read and pay final accounts

  • Arrange for telephone to be disconnected

  • Arrange for mail to be redirected


Transferring of Appliances and Furniture between residents - Houses should be left completely empty. No white goods (except ovens) or furniture should be left behind.


In some circumstances students arrange with the next resident to pass on white goods and certain pieces of furniture like beds. The next resident must take responsibility for the appliance or furniture and its maintenance. If the next resident does not want the items then they must be disposed of by the end of the tenancy.


If there is an arrangement to pass on furniture or appliances / white goods, then the resident taking on those items is required to complete the form Married Housing - transfer of furniture or appliances

The form will ask for the list out the items / appliances they are accepting and taking future responsibility for and sign the agreement.

If any appliances are left, like dishwashers or air conditioning units – the college is not responsible for the maintenance or replacement of these items.

If any items are left in the house without permission or prior arrangement with the next tenant, College will send you an account for the cost of its removal.


The best way to dispose of unwanted household items etc. is to contact the local council and arrange a council pick up. Unwanted household items, books or stationery are also not to be dumped in the student mail room or in the Community Centre.


If you have a problem with the disposing of such goods please arrange speak to Jon Telfer and he may be able to help you. To contact Jon please please fill in the online form at http://repair.moore.edu.au/.


Under no circumstances are windows or parts of windows to be removed by students or removalists from College properties without prior permission. Please contact the Property Department to enquire if this is possible.




Please refer to Section 14 for all relevant dates in the Housing Process. This includes dates for moving in and out of college housing.


Please note that as of 2023, all properties will be inspected at the end of your tenancy in all college managed housing. We have encountered issues with properties not being cleaned to a reasonable standard for the next residents of the property. There will also be a security cleaning deposit of $250 charged to all transferring and new residents in 2024. This deposit will be refunded after the inspection is completed at the end of the tenancy and the property is found to be acceptable. This fee is in addition to the Pet Bond (if you have a pet in your house).


Your letter of offer for housing will notify you who is currently in the house along with their phone number. We suggest that you make contact with the current resident at a convenient time. This could be to arrange a time when you can visit the house allocated to you or ask for photos or video to get an idea of how much help you may need in moving.


If you accept any furniture or appliances from the previous resident, please email housing@moore.edu.au to request the online form (as outlined in Section 17).


The Property Team may need 2 weeks between occupancies for administration and maintenance purposes. You may apply to move in prior to 8th January if our Facilities Manager is satisfied the house is ready for occupation and does not need to be vacant for 2 weeks.


All students moving in will need to make two appointments during business hours with Housing staff members. Information about making these appointments will be sent out in early November. The link to the appointment booking page is on the last page of this book.


  1. The first appointment is to go to the Concierge Desk to pick up the keys to the house they are moving into. The keys can be picked up by either the husband or wife irrespective of who is the student. Please try to come during business hours, but if you can’t, please notify Lissa via housing@moore.edu.au as soon as possible to request an alternative option. Other students cannot sign for the issued keys. Loan sets may be available under special circumstances.

  2. The second appointment is also at the Concierge Desk to do the following (please read carefully):

    1. Sign the lease (2 copies printed by the office – one copy for the student and the other copy for our records). Please do not pre-sign or complete the lease sent to you.

    2. The student must be present at the appointment to sign the lease. If needed, the lease may also have the spouses name and be signed by the spouse at the same appointment.

    3. As of 2023-2024 The Condition report for the new/transferred residence will need to be completed as a soft copy, saved with the name of resident and address of the property and sent back to Housing@moore.edu.au .

    4. To arrange rental payments via direct debit, please complete the online forms.




The relevant QR codes are also available on the last page of this book.

Please update your change of address via mymoore.com.au or emailing changeofaddress@moore.edu.au


  1. Setting up Electricity / Gas

    1. All students moving into college housing need to set up their own account with their chosen provider for electricity and gas (if gas is connected) from the date of moving into their accommodation.

    2. except 106 Georges River Road – But Har Gra – see 13.8

    3. If you receive a bill in the mail for the period of time between the residents, please contact the provider on that bill and tell them the date you moved in and that you are not responsible for the interim bill. They should then waive the costs and you are not liable for these charges. College is not responsible for these charges.


For any maintenance requests please fill out the form at http://repair.moore.edu.au/


Under no circumstances are windows or parts of windows to be removed by students or removalists from College properties without prior permission. Please contact the Property Department to enquire if this is possible.




The Property Office is responsible for all Moore College properties including construction, improvements, maintenance and repairs (normal and emergency). If you have requests or concerns in any of these areas, please please fill in the online form at http://repair.moore.edu.au/.

The Property Office administrative staff manage the issue of keys and can also provide information regarding electricity and gas connection.


Property Manager - Jon Telfer 9577 9850 (internal ext. 850)

Property Administrative Assistants - Robyn Cooper 9577 9851 (internal ext. 851)

- Marjory Raffaut 9577 9853 (internal ext.853)

Maintenance Supervisor - Matt Phillips (via http://repair.moore.edu.au/)


Please do not email or phone repair or maintenance requests unless it is urgent.


Nominated Tradespeople for urgent repairs (as per Tenancy Agreement p. 2)


Electrical Baikie’s Electrical (Scott Baikie) 0414 526 611

Plumbing PPM (Phil Millouro) 0419 270 822


Dean of Students - Paul Grimmond


Financial problems, residency requirements and pastoral matters should be discussed the Dean of Students.


College Housing - housing@moore.edu.au

The Operations Team Leader, Lissa Allen, assists the Dean of Students in the allocation of College housing.

  • Can sign rental certificates for residents of Married Housing once you have received them from Centrelink.

  • Can also write rental references and send out rental ledgers where requested at the end of tenancy. Please provide Name of Husband and Wife , address , and year when occupation started.

  • When Rental Agencies request a rental reference to be completed online – only one is completed for each couple, for each rental application.


Financial Controller - Leanne Veitch

Assistant Accountant - Michael Wu


Michael & Leanne can help you with any queries regarding the payments of rent and direct debit arrangements/changes.






Little Queen Street


Nos. 6, 8, 10 & 12


Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 & 13


Nos. 2, 4, 14, 15,16, 17, 18 & 20




King Street


No. 33, 35


No. 43



Campbell St

115 & 117



Queen Street


20 Townhouses No. 5-17



177 Church St








106 Georges River Road


But Har Gra Flats 1 & 2


But Har Gra Flat 3


But Har Gra Flat 4




Croydon Avenue


6 Units No. 124


13 Units No. 126


1 Unit No. 126 (Unit 5)






Unit 3/134


Unit 32/158


Unit 12/162


11 Hay St







27 Elizabeth Street


Unit 8/9 & Unit 2/3 & Unit 11/12 (3 bedroom)


6 Units (2 bedroom)


Unit 7 (2 bedroom)


5 Units (1 bedroom)























Married Housing - transfer of furniture or appliances





Housing Appointment Booking page




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