09.8 Accommodation/Housing

9.8.1  Single Students

All single, full time students are expected to reside in College for the duration of their course (subject to availability). The residences available for single students are John Chapman House and other Moore College housing. Students requesting concession to live out on compassionate grounds should consult the Dean of Students. For more information, please see The Single Residence Handbook on the LSS. Enquiries are to be addressed to: accommodation@moore.edu.au

9.8.2  Married Students

College housing for married students includes homes owned and rented by the College in Newtown, Croydon Park and North Parramatta. A minimum of two years residence is normally expected of married students unless exceptional circumstances apply (subject to housing availability). Leases are signed per calendar year with rent being charged weekly to student accommodation accounts.  The College varies rent according to the location and standard of the housing. Exiting students must not vacate College houses until the end of the academic year. 

For more information please see the Married Housing Booklet on the LSS.

Housing applications for the forthcoming year are emailed to all students during late June.  Students are encouraged to email housing@moore.edu.au to discuss any particular housing needs. This enables College to be sensitive to individual student needs.   Preliminary applications should be made in June. Final preferences should be given by close of applications in mid-August. Housing is allocated after consultation with the Dean of Students.