05.4.2 Course Structure

05.4.2 Course Structure

The MTh course structure consists of three possible pathways.

Pathway 1: Thesis of 40,000 – 50,000 words (including all citations and discussion in footnotes, and all excursuses, but excluding the bibliography).

This pathway is offered to candidates whose prior learning includes the necessary breadth and depth on which to base research at this level, such as: (1) a student who has completed the 15,000 word research project or a range of 8-10,000 word projects in the course of an MA(Theology) degree; (2) a student who has passed a 15,000 word project in the course of the BD degree with a result of at least 72.5%. Candidates seeking this pathway for a thesis in the field of Biblical Studies will need to show competency in original languages.

Pathway 2: One Research Unit and a Thesis of 30,000 – 40,000 words (including all citations and discussion in footnotes, and all excursuses, but excluding the bibliography).

The Research Unit must consist of either, an Original Language Research Unit (8,000 words equivalent), which investigates 320–400 verses of Hebrew and/or Greek biblical text, studied in conjunction with an approved bibliography, or, a Research Paper (8,000 words) that is not subsequently incorporated into the thesis. The Research Unit must be completed prior to the thesis stage. This pathway is recommended for applicants who (1) have an adequate research component in a prior degree, but require further sharpening of original language skills; or (2) who have demonstrated original language skill (such as demonstrated in a prior degree) but have minimal research component in a prior degree.

Pathway 3: One Original Language Research Unit, One Research Paper and a Thesis of 25,000 – 32,000 words (including all citations and discussion in footnotes, and all excursuses, but excluding the bibliography).

The Original Language Research Unit (8,000 words equivalent) investigates 320–400 verses of Hebrew and/or Greek biblical text, studied in conjunction with an approved bibliography. The Research Paper is 8,000 words and may not be subsequently incorporated into the thesis. Both the Original Language Research Unit and the Research Paper must be completed prior to the thesis stage. This pathway is recommended for applicants with minimal research component and original languages in a prior degree.

The default option is Pathway 1.

However, the other pathways are possible upon either the request of the candidate or the recommendation of the supervisor of the Director of Research. There is also flexibility built into the degree enabling a candidate to apply for a change of pathway on the recommendation of their supervisor.

All candidates in the thesis stage of an MTh are required to participate in the College’s program of Research Forums (See 05.4.6 Academic Regulations below).

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