04.24 Auditing Units of Study
These guidelines were approved by the Academic Board on 27 July 2022. They supersede any previous guidelines and came into effect from January 2023.
04.24.1 General
Moore College is committed to full-time residential study towards its degree programs and to the full engagement of its students in those programs. For this reason, as a general rule, the College does not encourage or provide for the auditing of units of study. This is allowed only under very specific circumstances and in each case as an exception. Graduates of the College are not normally granted such an exception. Audit fees may be charged when someone is allowed to sit in on lectures etc. with no intention of doing any assignments or taking any examinations. No credit can be earned towards a course of the College for audited units.
04.24.2 Auditing Additional Year 4 Units of Study
Students with a full fourth-year load of study, may, upon application to the Registrar, audit additional fourth year units of study without cost. This will only be approved if the student has an average above 72.5%, with the exception of students who audit CM411 or CM412 as an ordination requirement, or CM405 for chaplaincy purposes. The conditions for auditing these additional units are:
full participation, including pre-reading and class discussions
full attendance throughout the semester in order not to disrupt the class; irregular attendance is not permitted
formal enrolment as an audit student with LSS access to the unit of study
if the capacity of the teaching venue becomes an issue, audit students may be requested to leave in order to make room for fee paying students.
04.24.3 Postgraduate Research Students
Fully enrolled Research Higher Degree (RHD) students may apply to the Registrar to audit units in the undergraduate program without cost, providing that they commit to:
full attendance throughout the semester in order not to disrupt the class; irregular attendance is not permitted
not submit assessments (as these will not be marked).
If the capacity of the teaching venue becomes an issue, audit students may be requested to leave in order to make room for fee paying students.
04.24.4 Exceptional Circumstances Precluding Completion of a Unit
Sometimes a student who has enrolled in a unit and commenced study in it is suddenly no longer able to complete the unit as a fully enrolled student. Examples of this would be a woman student who falls pregnant during term and, for health reasons, cannot complete the unit under normal circumstances. Under such circumstances, the student, upon application to the Academic Dean, may be allowed to continue to attend classes as an audit student. In such cases,
such auditing is limited to first year classes only
assessments are not submitted and will not be marked
full attendance is encouraged so as not to disrupt the class with irregular attendance
the maximum number of units that can be audited in this way is one unit per semester
LSS access is continued until the end of the semester
the exceptional circumstances have arisen prior to the census date.
04.24.5 Student Spouses
Spouses (of full-time students enrolled in a degree program) may apply to the Academic Dean to audit units of study without costs. Such auditing is subject to the following conditions:
only units in the first-year program may be audited
listening and observing only, unless otherwise requested by the lecturer
full attendance is encouraged so as not to disrupt the class with irregular attendance
assessments are not submitted and will not be marked
no access to some parts of the LSS (copyright restricted areas)
if the capacity of the teaching venue becomes and issue, audit students may be requested to leave in order to make room for full fee-paying students
04.24.6 Other exceptions
Other exceptions are to be decided by the Principal on a case-by-case basis.