04.13 Failed Assessments

04.13 Failed Assessments

Where the following regulations refer to essay results it is the raw result, before application of any late penalties or word count penalties, which is meant.

It is the student’s responsibility, having made an honest attempt at an assessment, to submit it in a timely manner. 

If, in the judgement of the marker, a serious attempt to answer the question has not been made, the assignment will fail with no opportunity to resubmit. 

Assessments which fail for other reasons are dealt with according to the following regulations:

  1. Essays and assignments awarded a Fail Level 1 (40% - 49%) may be resubmitted if the student so desires.  Essays and assignments awarded a Fail Level 2 (0% - 39%) must be resubmitted, providing the marker believes a serious attempt to answer the question has been made. Resubmitted assignments will not be awarded more than 50%.  They must be resubmitted not later than 4 weeks after the return of the result, or the first day of examinations.  In some units, a Fail Level 1 requires a mandatory resubmit as indicated by the unit syllabus Progression Statement.

  2. If an assignment is submitted late without prior permission and fails either at the original marking or because of the downgrade, the option of a re-submit will only be offered in exceptional circumstances, as determined by the Registrar.

  3. Unit syllabi include a Progression Statement. This states what must be achieved, in terms of matters such as attendance and assessment results, in order for that unit to be successfully passed. Where a syllabus lacks a progression statement, point 4) below may apply.

  4. Students who fail certain assessments in a unit may still pass that unit provided their overall mark is at least 50% and their mark in the final examination (if there is one) is at least 50%.  In units which include an essay, the essay component must not be less than 40%, and each exam component must not be less than 50%.  

In cases where the exam components have passed but the unit as a whole falls below 50% on account of a failed assignment (before any late penalty), the student will be invited to resubmit the assignment, provided they have not already done so.  The assignment must be submitted by the first day of the supplementary period and, if the resubmitted assignment passes, the student will receive 50% for the unit.

5. Students who fail a mid-unit exam may be granted an academic supplementary regardless of their mark.  Supplementaries for mid-unit exams are held in the normal supplementary exam session for that semester.

6. Students will not be failed in an examination unless they are assessed as not having reached a pass standard by a second examiner.

7. Students re-enrolling in a unit which has been failed are required to undertake all assessment components of the unit, including attendance of lectures and tutorials.

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