04.22 CT499 Year 4 Project

04.22 CT499 Year 4 Project

04.22.1 Academic Writing for Year 4 Project

  1.  The CT499 Year 4 Project provides an opportunity to research a topic of interest at more depth than has been possible in other parts of the College course. It is meant to be the single most substantial piece of writing produced during a student’s time in College, demonstrating the skills learnt. While the precise format may differ from project to project, depending on the subject matter, it is expected that the standard of work submitted will be appropriate for a student in their final year of study in an honours degree. The final product should be 15,000 words long, not inclusive of bibliography or citations in footnotes. Note that NO APPENDICES are to be submitted with the project and markers will be instructed not to read or include such extra material when marking the project.

  2. The Year 4 Project is not intended to be an original contribution to knowledge. However, it should be a focused piece of academic writing at an advanced level. It should do more than simply provide a survey of an issue or a catalogue of various scholarly opinions. It should develop an argument based upon evidence carefully analysed and evaluated. Where the project is in the area of biblical studies, evidence of advanced engagement with relevant biblical texts in the original language will be expected.

  3. Academic writing seeks to avoid caricature and generalisation but instead anchors argument in evidence gained by a first-hand engagement with primary sources. It also involves accurate acknowledgement of the sources of data, ideas and lines of argument whether published or unpublished. It is clear, ordered and conclusions should be judicious and aware of their own limitations.

  4. An important part of this exercise is the opportunity it provides for wide reading in a particular area. Markers will look for evidence that the most important scholarly work bearing upon the project topic has been identified, read and understood and that the student has interacted fairly with a range of scholarly viewpoints, if these are available. The opinions of others should be treated with respect rather than ridiculed or caricatured but this does not do away with the need for rigorous questioning and evaluation. The bibliography and footnotes should provide evidence of reading that goes beyond introductory texts to engage with intermediate and advanced treatments of the topic and associated areas.

5. Enrolment in CT499 Year 4 Project requires a course average of at least 72.5% and is for full-time students only.

04.22.2 Research Involving Human Subjects (HREC)

  • The collection of data from or about identifiable individuals or groups; or

  • The observation of identifiable individuals or groups. 

Information concerning the requirements of the HREC and Guidelines for Ethical Conduct of Research is set out in Section 7 of this Handbook and on the Learning Support System (LSS).

04.22.3 Supervision for Year 4 Project

Research for the CT499 Year 4 Project is done under the supervision of a member of the Faculty, allocated by the Assistant to the Director of Research early in Term 1. Students may expect the following from their supervisor:

  • Approximately one hour of face-to-face time per term (4 hours in total)

  • Assistance in narrowing the focus of the topic so that it can be handled at an appropriate depth in the time and space available

  • Assistance in the construction of a basic bibliography and method of approach

  • An agreed timetable for the submission of work and its return with critical comments progressively throughout the year

  • Continuous challenge to rigour in the evaluation of evidence and in the presentation of argument, including redirection where the project is being derailed by faulty methodology, a misreading of the evidence, a lack of available evidence, loose argument, or other problems

  • Advice at the midpoint of the year as to whether the student should proceed with the project in the second semester, based upon progress to that point

  • Reading and detailed comment upon a draft of the project within this agreed timetable, including an assessment of the standard of writing and presentation

  • An assessment of the standard of writing and presentation (though the supervisor is not responsible for the correction of grammar and spelling etc.)

04.22.4 Student Responsibilities – Year 4 Project

  • Initiative in making contact with their supervisor (Note: This is not the supervisor’s responsibility)

  • Adherence to an agreed timetable for submission of written work

  • Provide hard copies to their project supervisor at each stage prior to submission, so that font variations and other irregularities can be detected.

  • Submission on the LSS of written work in PDF format as agreed and at an appropriate standard of presentation.

  • Consistent work on the Year 4 Project throughout the academic year and achieving the milestones as indicated in the guidelines.

04.22.5 Word Limits – Year 4 Project

Year 4 Projects must be a minimum of 13,500 words and a maximum of 15,000 words. If the submitted project is less than 13,500 words, it will not be accepted, and the student will fail the unit. If the submitted project is more than 15,000 words, downgrades will be applied.

See 04.8 Word count/Word limits (for all students in non-research awards) for more information on word limits.

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