09.2 Harassment Policy

The Student Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Policy can be found in the Policies section of our website.

Behaviour such as sexual harassment and sexual abuse is totally unacceptable. The decision to speak to someone about sexual harassment or sexual abuse by a member of the College community may not be easy. It may involve speaking about matters that are difficult to disclose. You may be concerned for others and for yourself. If you wish to speak to someone about sexual harassment or sexual abuse that may happen within the College community please contact the Dean of Students or the Dean of Women, or the Anglican Abuse Report Line on 1800 774 945 or email: abusereport@sydney.anglican.asn.au which will put you in touch with a Contact Person who is a professional counsellor. The Contact Person will take time to talk to you about any concerns you may have. An inquiry can be anonymous and does not commit you to anything.

Further information about these matters is available at the Diocesan Professional Standards Unit at https://safeministry.org.au/