How to sync SharePoint folders

If you’re working with files on SharePoint, you might want to sync those files to a folder on your computer. This lets you work directly in File Explorer and access files even when you're offline. And when you go back online, any changes made to those files will sync automatically.


  1. In your web browser, navigate to the SharePoint site that you want to sync

  2. Above the files, you should see a button that says “Sync”. Press it.


  3. At this point, your browser might ask you if you want to open OneDrive. Click “Open Microsoft OneDrive.”


  4. If you aren’t signed in already, OneDrive will ask you to sign in. Sign in using your MTC username and your universal password.

  5. If you open File Explorer, you will be able to see the files available on the left hand side, under “MOORE THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE”.