When should I use Remote Desktop?

What is remote desktop?

If you need to work from home you can log into your work PC using a Remote Desktop connection file provided by the IT Team. Your computer them becomes a “dumb terminal”, controlling your work PC and showing its screen. If you want to set up Remote Desktop, you can find out how here:

However, while some things will require you to use Remote Desktop, this doesn’t mean you should be using it for everything! If you use Remote Desktop for the wrong things, they might not work properly if at all!

When you should use Remote Desktop:

  • Accessing drives such as the M:\ or S:\

  • MooreDB, MoorePayWay, MooreKeys, MooreES

  • SAS

  • FileMaker

  • StarRez

  • HR3

  • Finance Apps

These drives and apps require you to be at Moore College and on the network for them to work. If you want to use any of them, you will have to Remote Desktop to your work computer.

When you shouldn’t use remote Desktop:

  • Teams

  • Streaming Audio or Video online

Applications or web pages that stream audio or video will be slow and jittery if you try and use them over a remote desktop connection. Things like video calls or streaming media should be done directly on your own device.  

When its up to you:

  • Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office will work fine over Remote Desktop, but you can also install it for your own use on your home computer. Things like OneDrive will probably be better to do over Remote Desktop, but it is possible to set up on your own computer.


Never shut down your work work computer over Remote Desktop!

Restarting your work computer over Remote Desktop is fine!

If you want to set up Remote Desktop on your computer, here are articles that can help:

If you want to Install Office 365, this article can help: