04.14 Supplementary Examinations

04.14 Supplementary Examinations

  1. Any student unable to take an examination at the published time must apply for permission to sit the exam during the supplementary exam period..

  2. Because supplementary examinations are offered in terms of the following regulations, passed components of a failed unit cannot be carried forward to a following year. Students re-enrolling in a previously failed unit are required to undertake all assessment components of the unit.

  3. Students who fail an examination may be granted a supplementary examination in the following cases:

 4.14.1 Academic Supplementary

Academic supplementary – applies to candidates meeting the following requirements:

  1. In one failed unit where a candidate would otherwise complete the degree or diploma.

  2. In units where the examination paper receives a mark of 40 – 50% for non-language papers or below 50% in the case of language papers.

The maximum mark which may be awarded for a unit in which an academic supplementary has been granted is the greater of: EITHER 50%; OR the average of [the other assessment items combined] and [50%].

 4.14.2 Conceded Supplementary

Conceded supplementary – applies to candidates who sat an examination and for whom the Academic Board accepts there are exceptional grounds to be granted a supplementary even though they do not qualify for an academic supplementary. Information relating to exceptional circumstances must be provided to the Registrar not more than 10 days after the examination date. The maximum mark which may be awarded is 50%.

4.14.3 Medical Supplementary

Medical supplementary – applies, subject to the submission of a satisfactory medical certificate to the Registrar not more than 10 days after the examination date, to those too sick on the day to attend an examination. The mark awarded is the mark obtained in the supplementary examination. 

4.14.4 Compassionate Supplementary

Compassionate supplementary – applies to candidates who did not attend a scheduled examination and who the Academic Board accepts had an exceptional pastoral reason for not attending. Verifiable evidence of such exceptional reason must be provided within 10 days of the scheduled date of the examination to the Registrar. The supplementary must be taken at the normal time of supplementary exams. The mark awarded is the mark obtained in the supplementary examination.

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